Improving Nurses' Performance Regarding care of Children with Multiple Trauma Post Road Traffic Accident: An Educational Program.


1 Teacher at Technical Secondary School for Nursing Ashmon Menoufia

2 Professor of Pediatric Nursing- Faculty of Nursing- Benha University

3 Lecturer of Pediatric Nursing, Faculty of Nursing- Benha University



 Background: Road traffic accident (RTA) can results in various types of injuries, ranged from minor to severe. The severity of these injuries can lead to long term physical disabilities. The study aimed to evaluate the effect of an educational program on nurses' performance regarding care of children with RTA. Study design: a quasi-experimental design was utilized. Setting: The study was conducted at Emergency department at Benha hospital. Study subjects: (a) a convenient sample of 40 nurses working as a full time at previous setting and willing to participate in the study, (b) a convenient sample of 40 children with multiple trauma post RTA. Tools of data collection: Two tools were used to conduct the study: Tool (I): A structured interviewing questionnaire, it included four parts: Part (I): Characteristics of the studied nurses, Part (II): characteristics of the studied children, Part (III): Clinical data of the studied children and Part (IV): Nurses’ knowledge assessment which is subdivided to two subparts: Subpart (I): Nurses knowledge related to triage system and Subpart (II): Nurses knowledge regarding to care of children with multiple trauma. Tool (II): Observational check list. Results: Less than half of the studied nurses (47.5%) had poor total knowledge level pre educational program. In contrast more than three quarter (82.5%) had good level of knowledge post educational program. Also, less than two thirds (62.5%) of the studied nurses had incompetent level of practices pre-education program implementation. In contrast, more than three quarters (80%) had competent level of practices post-educational program implementation. Conclusion: There is a highly statistical significant positive correlation between total knowledge scores and total practices scores of the studied nurses' pre and post-educational program implementation. Recommendations: Provision of continuous educational program in order to update nurses' knowledge and enhance their practices related to care of children with multiple trauma post road traffic accident.


Main Subjects