Relation between Career Development and Organizational Effectiveness as Perceived by Nursing Faculty Teaching Staff.


1 Nursing Teacher at Desok Nursing Secondary School

2 Assistant Professor of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing-Benha University, Egypt

3 Lecturer of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing-Benha University, Egypt.



 Background: Career development in higher education is a strategy to improve the learning and teaching quality of researchers and educators as well as to develop the culture of lifelong learning. Aim of the study: This study was aimed to assess the relation between career development and organizational effectiveness as perceived by nursing faculty teaching staff. Study design: A descriptive correlational research design was used to achieve the aim of the study.
Research setting: The study was conducted in all academic departments at Faculty of Nursing, Benha University. Study subjects: All available nursing faculty teaching staff (192) who working at Faculty of Nursing- Benha University. Tools of data collection: Two tools were utilized: Tool I) Career Development Questionnaire and Tool II) Organizational Effectiveness Questionnaire. Results: The most of the nursing faculty teaching staff had high level of career development and the majority of the nursing faculty teaching staff had high level of organizational effectiveness. Conclusion: There was high statistically significant positive correlation between total career development and total organizational effectiveness among the nursing faculty teaching staff. Recommendations: Follow up organizational effectiveness of the nursing faculty teaching staff to know the strengths and weaknesses and keep continues career development.


Main Subjects