Hostile Workplace Behaviors and its Relation to Job Commitment among Nurses.


1 Specialist Nurse at Benha Health Insurance Hospital

2 Professor of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing, Benha University

3 Assistant Professor of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing, Benha University



 Background: Hostile workplace behaviors are destructive and unaccepted behaviors. It has several adverse effects on nurses' and patient outcomes and negatively affected on nurses' job commitment. Aim: The study was aimed to assess hostile workplace behaviors and its relation to job commitment among nurses. Study design: A descriptive correlational design was used. Setting: The study was conducted in Critical Care Units at Benha University Hospital. Subjects: All available staff nurses (420). Tools of data collections: Two tools were used; Hostile workplace behaviors questionnaire and nurses' job commitment questionnaire. Results: Show that, more than two thirds (68.8%) of the nurses had high level of total hostile workplace behaviors. Also, more than half (59.5%) had low level of the total job commitment. Conclusion: The study concluded that, there was highly statistically significant negative correlation between hostile workplace behaviors and job commitment. Recommendations: Conducting training program for health care team to increase awareness toward hostility.


Main Subjects