Workplace Support and its Relation to Role Strain among Staff Nurses at Banha University Hospitals.


1 M. Sc. Student of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing, Benha University

2 Assist. Prof of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing, Benha University

3 Lecturer of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing, Benha University



Background: Workplace support plays a significant role in influencing the level of role strain experienced by staff nurses. Role strain refers to the stress and tension arising from the demands and expectations of the nursing role. Aim: This study aimed to assess work place support and its relation to role strain among staff nurses. Design: Descriptive correlational research design was used in this study. Setting: The study was conducted in all critical care units at Benha University Hospitals. Subjects: A simple random sample consisted of 220 nurses who worked at all critical care units at Banha University Hospitals. Tools of data collection: Two tools were used: I) The Workplace Support Scale II) Nurse Role Strain Scale. Results: Showed that about two fifths (39.1%) of studied staff nurses had high level of workplace support. less than half (46.4%) of staff nurses had high level of role strain. Conclusion: There was highly statistical significant negative correlation between total work place support and total staff nurse’s role strain among studied staff nurses. This means when workplace support increased role strain decreased, and when workplace support decreased role strain increased. The study Recommended: Developing educational programs for staff nurses about workplace support and its effect on their productivity. Study the effect of role strain on nursing performance.


Main Subjects