Effect of Psycho Educational Intervention Program on Psychological Problems among Nurses Caring for Patients with COVID-19

Document Type : Scientific peer reviewed journal


1 M.Sc. (2017), Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Ain Shams University

2 Professor of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Tanta University

3 Assist. Professor of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Benha University


 Background: Nurses affected emotionally and exposed to psychological problems symptoms
during of the COVID-19. Most nurses caring of patients with COVID-19 had overwhelming feelings
of anxiety, stress and depression.
Aim of the Study: Was to evaluate the effect of psycho educational
intervention program on psychological problems among nurses caring for patients with COVID-19.
Research design: A Quasi-experimental research design was utilized. Research Setting: This study
conducted at Benha teaching hospital.
Sample: A purposive sample of 50 nurses, working in
quarantine for patients with COVID-19.
Data Collection Tools: Three tools were used, Tool I: Socio
demographic data& occupational data questionnaire of nurses caring for patients with COVID-19
which divided into two parts:
Part one: Socio-demographic data. Part two: Occupational data. Tool
II: A Structure questionnaire about nurses’ psychological problems and challenges during caring for
patients with covid-19: divided into:
A- Nurses’ psychological problems. B- Nurses' Challenges. Tool
III: Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS. Results: More than two thirds of the studied nurses
faced challenges during caring for patients with Covid-19. There was highly significant statistical
positive correlation between nurses’ depression, anxiety and stress pre and post implementation of psycho
educational intervention program and the challenges facing them during caring for patients with Covid-19.
Conclusion: The psycho-educational program had a positive effect on reducing the psychological
problems (Depression, Anxiety and Stress) among nurses caring for patients with COVID-19.
Recommendation: Effective mental health protection strategies to prevent burnout and depression
should be developed and implemented for nurses to fulfill their responsibilities in tackling crisis


Main Subjects