Effect of Pre-Gynecological Examination Counseling Sessions on Relieving Women’s Pain, Discomfort and Enhancing their Satisfaction

Document Type : Scientific peer reviewed journal


1 Assist. lecturer of Maternal & Newborn Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Beni-Suief University, Egypt

2 Prof. of Maternity and Gynecological Nursing, Faculty of Nursing Ain-shams University

3 Prof. of Obstetrics and Women’s Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Benha University, Egypt

4 Assist. prof of Maternal and Newborn Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Beni-Suef University, Egypt


 Background: Gynecological examination is an essential part in practice and very commonly widely
Aim: This study aimed to evaluate effect of pre-gynecological examination counseling
sessions on relieving women’s pain, discomfort, and enhancing their satisfaction.
Setting: The study
was conducted at the gynecological clinic at Beni-suef University Hospital.
Design: Α quasi
experimental study design.
Sample: Α purposive sample was 120 women who attended to the
previously mentioned setting for the first time.
Tools: Five tools of data collection were used. (I): Α
counseling interviewing questionnaire; (II): Comfort and pain scale; (III): Patients’ satisfaction
questionnaire sheet; (IV): Visual analogue scale to assess pain level and (VI): An instructional
supportive brochure.
Results: There was a marked improvement in knowledge of the studied group
than control group about gynecological examination after intervention with highly statistically
significant difference. 73.30 % of the control group had unsatisfactory knowledge about
gynecological examination. While 15% of the studied group had satisfactory knowledge about
gynecological examination post intervention. 68.3% of the control group had discomfort during
gynecological examination. While 80% of the studied group had comfort during gynecological
examination post intervention.70% of control group were unsatisfied during gynecological
examination. While 85% of the studied group were satisfied during gynecological examination post
Conclusion: Counseling sessions regarding pre gynecological examination had positive
effect on relieving women’s pain ,discomfort and enhancing their satisfaction so the hypothesis was
supported and accepted and the study aim was achieved after intervention with highly statistically
significant difference at (P= < 0.01).
Recommendation: Awareness program must be design and
instrumented at gynecological clinic to enhance women’s satisfaction and correct their
misconceptions related to gynecological examination.


Main Subjects