Designing and Implementing Electronic Health Records Software for Intern-Nurses by Using Advanced Mobile Devices

Document Type : Scientific peer reviewed journal


1 Assistant lecturer of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing, Benha University, Egypt

2 Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing, Menoufia University, Egypt

3 Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing, Benha University, Egypt


Background Technology is increasing the complexity in the role of today‟s nurse.
Healthcare organizations are integrating more health information technologies and relying on the
Electronic Health Record (EHR) for data collection, communication, and decision-making. Nursing
faculty need to prepare graduates for this environment and incorporate an EHR into a nursing
Aim of study: Was for designing and implementing EHRs software for intern-nurses
by using advanced mobile devices.
Design: A quasi-experimental design was utilized. Setting: This
study was conducted in different units in medical and surgical clinical departments at Benha
University Hospital.
Subjects: Representative simple random sample consisted of 25% of internnurses (60 intern-nurses) of Benha Faculty of Nursing. Tools: Data of the present study was
collected by using three tools; First tool: Intern-Nurses' Knowledge Questionnaire, Second tool:
Intern-Nurses' Technological Skills (Observational checklist) and Third tool: Intern-Nurses'
Attitude Questionnaire
. Result: The highest percent of intern-nurses (90%) had adequate
knowledge scores about EHRs at immediately post-program implementation phase , the majority of
them had high technological skills level required for using EHRs, and positive attitude toward
EHRs at follow up and immediately post-program from the preprogram implementation phases
(83.3% ,76.6%, 86.7% & 85.0%) respectively.
Conclusion: There was highly statistically
significant positive correlation among intern-nurses knowledge regarding EHRs software with their
technological skills and attitude toward EHRs software at pre- program, immediate post and follow
up program implementation phases.
Recommendation: The hospital administration should take the
necessary steps to develop proper information communication technology infrastructure required
for EHRs records utilization with AMDs in clinical practice and gradual introduction of an EHR
software system in the general hospital.


Main Subjects