Effect of Psycho Educational Program on Reducing Violence among Preparatory School Students for Boys at Benha City

Document Type : Scientific peer reviewed journal


1 Teacher of Nursing at Nursing School for Male in Mental Psychiatric Hospital in Alabasia, Egypt

2 Mental Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing - Ain Shams University , Egypt

3 Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing - Benha University, Egypt


Background: Violence among schoolchildren becomes an issue that generates
enormous public concern and has become a focus of prevention in nursing.
Aim of study:
Was to evaluate the effect of psycho educational program on reducing the violence among
preparatory school students.
Design: A quasi experimental design for one grope (pre –
Settings: This study was conducted at Boys’ Preparatory Schools from Benha City,
Qalubia Governorate (EL Emam Mohamed Metwaly Elshaarawe preparatory school for
boys and Elmanshia preparatory school for boys).
subjects: A Purposive sample of 110
students was chosen from 1st and 2nd grade preparatory schools.
Data collection tools: I.
Students Questionnaire sheet and II. Violence scale. Results: Less than one third (32.7%)
of the studied students have satisfactory level of knowledge preprogram implementation
which increased to less than two thirds (65.5%) post program implementation, while more
than two thirds (67.3%) of them have unsatisfactory level of knowledge preprogram
implementation which decrease to (more than one third (34.5%) post program
implementation. Only 18.2% of the studied students have mild level of violence
preprogram which increased to 60.0% pot program, while, 56.4% of them have severe
level of violence preprogram implementation which decreased to 23.6% post program
Conclusion: The psycho educational program had positive effect on
reducing the violence among of preparatory school students and increasing their level of
knowledge about violence.
Recommendations: Educational programs toward violence
should be implemented by the nurses, not just for students, but for the entire school
community as teachers, staff and parents in order to eliminate the phenomenon of


Main Subjects