Effect of Training Program about Self Efficacy on Nurses' Innovative Work Behaviors

Document Type : Scientific peer reviewed journal


1 M.Sc. )2018) of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing, Ain shams University, Egypt

2 Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing, Helawn University, Egypt

3 Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing, Benha University, Egypt


Background Self-efficacy is a fundamental value for nurses. Nurses as professionals, are
expected to behave in the work place in a manner defined by the profession. This commentary
discusses challenges and possible solutions to enhance self-efficacy and increases their innovative
work behavior.
Aim of study: Was to enhance self-efficacy for nurses and its effect on their
innovative work behavior.
Research design: A Quasi experimental design was utilized to meet the
aim of this study.
Setting: The study was conducted at Nasser institute Hospital. Sample: All
available nurses who are working in the above mentioned study setting. The total numbers of nurses
were 45 nurses.
Tools of data collection: Three different tools were used in the present study of
data collection. These were namely:
(1) Self-efficacy knowledge questionnaire, (2) Self-efficacy
skills questionnaire
, (3) innovative work behavior. Results: There was a highly statistically
significant difference among pre, immediate post program, and follow-up of the knowledge test and
skills of nurses and level of their innovative work behavior. There was positive statistical significant
correlation between knowledge
and skills score for nurses and their innovative work behavior
during immediately post and follow up (after three months) of the program phases
. Conclusion:
There was general improvement in nurses' knowledge and skills about self-efficacy and also their
level of
innovative work behavior as compared to pre course knowledge and skills.
Recommendation: In-service training and training programs must be continuous process for
refreshing increasing nurses' knowledge and skills about self-efficacy
. Effort made by hospital
administration to promote awareness of being a nurse in the clinical unit, this would aid their
innovation into their work


Main Subjects