Effectiveness of Educational Program regarding MRSA Prevention and Control on Nurses’ Knowledge and Practice

Document Type : Scientific peer reviewed journal


1 Clinical instructor at Technical Institute of Nursing, Sherbin, Egypt

2 Medical Surgical Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Mansoura University, Egypt

3 Medical Surgical Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Benha University, Egypt


Background: Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureas (MRSA) is largely a hospitalacquired infection that is capable of causing severe infections. Comprehensive MRSA control
program is necessary to control MRSA.
Aim of study: Was to evaluate the effectiveness of
educational program regarding Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus prevention on nurses’
knowledge and practice.
Research design: A quasi-experimental research design was utilized.
Setting: this study was conducted at Mansoura Chest Disease Hospital and Benha University
Subject: A purposive sample of 80 nurses. Tools: Two tools were used. I: Structured
Interview Questionnaire which consists of part 1; demographic characteristics, part 2; Nurses’
Knowledge Regarding MRSA.
II - Nurses' practice about MRSA and infection control guidelines
observation checklist.
Results: There were statistically significant differences between the preeducational program and immediate post-educational program regarding all items of nurses’
knowledge. .2.5% of participants have a good level of practice pre-intervention while immediately
post-educational program the practice level was good at 36.3%. Post 2 months of educational
program (28.9%) had good practice level.
Conclusion: The educational program was highly
effective regarding MRSA prevention and control on nurses’ knowledge and practice at both
Mansoura Chest Disease Hospital and Benha university hospital.
Recommendation: Continuous inservice training programs for the new nurses about MRSA prevention and control at regular intervals
are needed.


Main Subjects