Nursing Students' and Educators' Perception toward Nursing Students' Rights and its relation to Nursing Students' Satisfaction

Document Type : Scientific peer reviewed journal


1 Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing, Benha University, Egypt

2 Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing, Tanta University, Egypt


Background: Students' rights has become an important part of modern education due to when the
nursing students know their rights and reach it, they experience high satisfaction as there is almost
universal agreement regarding the importance of student rights across the educational system.
study aimed to
assess nursing students' and educators' perception toward nursing students' rights
and its relation to nursing students' satisfaction.
Study design: Descriptive correlational design was
utilized to conduct this study.
Study setting: The study was conducted at the Faculty of Nursing,
Benha University.
Subjects: Included simple random sample of undergraduate nursing students'
from all four academic years 332 out from 1962 who are enrolled at academic year 2019/2020 and
available nursing educators' 125 out from 173 at the above mentioned study setting.
Tools: Two
tools were used for data collection
: (I) Nursing students' rights questionnaire and (II) Nursing
students’ Satisfaction Scale (NSSS).
Results: Showed that the majority (78.9% & 95.2%) of
studied nursing students’ and educators' had high perceived level toward nursing students' rights
respectively. Also, nearly half (48.8 %) of studied nursing students’ had high satisfaction level.
Conclusion: The study concluded that there was positive statistical significant correlation between
total perception of nursing students' and educators' toward nursing student rights and total nursing
students' satisfaction .
Recommendation: Disseminating this created bill of rights and at all faculties
in Benha Universities, also posted students' rights in sites accessible to all students and publishing
them on faculty websites and educators use technology effectively and work collaboratively with
each other.


Main Subjects