Life Style Modification for Reducing of Premenstrual Syndrome among nursing students

Document Type : Scientific peer reviewed journal


1 Obstetrics and Woman Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Benha University, Egypt

2 Obstetrics and Woman Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Benha University

3 Obsterics and Woman Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Benha University, Egypt


Background: Premenstrual syndrome is one of the most common problems in adolescent female
at reproductive age. The prevalence of PMS is about 80% of adolescent female.
Aim of the study:
the aim of the present study was to assess effect of life style modification on management of
premenstrual syndrome among nursing student.
Design: Quasi experimental study design. Setting:
the study was conducted at faculty of nursing at Benha University. Sampling: purposive sample
was selected. The sample consist of 300 adolescent female used to fulfill the aim of the study.
Tools: 1-structured interviewing questionnaire schedule 2- Premenstrual syndrome scale
assessment 3-Life style assessment tool.
Results: it was illustrated that there was a highly
statistical significant difference between total effect of nutritional life style on premenstrual
syndrome symptoms among studied students at pre and post intervention (p < 0.001). The results of
the study revealed that There was a highly statistical significant difference between total effect of
rest and sleep on premenstrual syndrome symptoms among studied students at pre and post
intervention (p < 0.001). It was illustrated that there was a highly statistical significant difference
between total effect of daily activities on premenstrual syndrome symptoms among studied
students at pre and post intervention (p < 0.001),
Conclusion: PMS was significantly associated
with increase of body mass index, sedentary life style, exposure to passive smoking, positive
family history of premenstrual syndrome symptoms, excessive coffee drinking, and frequent
consumption of fast food. Recommendation: interventional program has an effective role in
reducing premenstrual syndrome symptoms


Main Subjects