Assessment of Healthy Lifestyle among secondary school Adolescent girls in Iraq

Document Type : Scientific peer reviewed journal


1 College of Health and Medical Technology, Baghdad, Iraq

2 Community health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing-Benha University, Egypt


Background: Healthy lifestyle is essential for adolescent girls to promote their health.
The study aimed to assess healthy lifestyle among secondary school adolescent girls in Iraq.
Design: A descriptive correlational research design was utilized to conduct this study. Setting:
the study was conducted at 25% of total secondary schools in Iraq it included 6 schools which
namely; Masra El-Rasol school, Khadija school, Belquis school, Adhamiya school, Hariri
school, Al-Entsar school at Russafa in Baghdad.
Subjects: included 200 adolescent student girls
from previous mentioned school
. Tools: Two tools were used for data collection; first tool: An
interviewing questionnaire to assess knowledge regarding healthy lifestyle.
Tool two: Fantastic
Lifestyle questionnaire which included 15 closed questionnaires
. Results: 68.0% of the
studied students had average total knowledge about healthy life style, while, 29.5% of them had
good total knowledge about healthy life style. In addition to, 2.5% of them had poor total
knowledge about healthy life style. Also
, 69.5% of the studied students had total psychological
healthy lifestyle. While, 62.5% of them had unhealthy social lifestyle and 66.5% of them had
total unhealthy lifestyle.
Conclusion: There was highly statistically significant correlation
between total knowledge about healthy life style of the studied students and total practices
about healthy life style.
Recommendations: Health educational programs about healthy life
style to enhance health promotion


Main Subjects