Nurses' Knowledge and Practices Regarding Oxytocin Infusion Care for Women during Labor

Document Type : Scientific peer reviewed journal


1 Obstetrics and Women’s Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Benha University, Egypt

2 maternity and neonatal nursing, Faculty of nursing, Ain Shams University, Egypt


Background: Oxytocic are the drugs that give power to excite uterine muscles to contract. Between
a large numbers of drugs belonging to oxytocic, oxytocin is the important one and is extensively
used in clinical practice.
Aim of the study: To assess nurses' knowledge and practice regarding
oxytocin infusion care for women during labor.
Research design: A descriptive study was
Setting: The study was conducted in labor unit at obstetrics and gynecological
department affiliated at Benha University hospital from the end of May to the end of November
Sample: Convenient sample of a total nurses 50. Tool: Two tools were utilized to collect
data; Tool (I): structure interviewing questionnaire divided in two parts including general
characteristics of nurse and assessment knowledge sheet for assessing nurses’ knowledge regarding
oxytocin. Tool (II): an observational checklist to assess nurses' practices during oxytocin infusion
Near half (44%) of the studied nurses had poor knowledge and two thirds (60%) of them
had unsatisfactory practice regarding oxytocin infusion care
. Conclusion: Half of studied nurses
had poor knowledge and unsatisfactory practice and there was a positive correlation between total
knowledge and practice score of studied nurses
. Recommendation: Improve nurses' knowledge
and practice regarding oxytocin and its safe administration.


Main Subjects