Effect of Workplace Bullying on Nurses' Job Performance

Document Type : Scientific peer reviewed journal


1 Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing –Benha University- Egypt

2 Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing, Tanta University- Egypt


Background: Workplace bullying is a social and organizational problem within the health care system;
it has several adverse effects and closely associated with nurses' job performance.
Aim :The study
aimed to assess the effect of workplace bullying on nurses' job performance.
Research design:
Descriptive correlational design was utilized to meet the aim of this study. Setting: This study was
conducted in Intensive Care Unit at Benha University Hospital.
Sample: Consisted of all staff nurses
Tools: Data was collected by using two tools, workplace bullying questionnaire and nurses’ job
performance observation checklist.
Results: The result showed that nearly three quarters (73.8%) of
staff nurses had moderate level of bullying and more than three quarters (81.5%) of the staff nurses had
satisfactory level of job performance
Conclusion: There was no statistically significant correlation
between nurses' workplace bullying and their performance.
Recommendation: Nurses at all levels,
including administrators and staff nurses, need to be educated to report bullying and nursing
administrators need to develop
policies to prevent bullying and anti-bullying reporting tools and
mechanisms that allow nurses who exposed to workplace bullying to report incidents of bullying.


Main Subjects